July Friday Nighter Rally

Special Information

Bob is putting on one of his classic, straightforward rallys on this Friday night in July (postponed from April). It will be approximately 50 miles in length with moderate speeds. If you have never been to a rally and wanted to give it a try, this would be a good opportunity. Bob’s rally experience is evident: his rallys never disappoint. Even if you can’t come for the rally join us for the usual “alibi hour” at Monical’s where everyone is welcome and where participants try to explain why they woulda, coulda, shoulda done better.

Registration Info

The entry fee will be $20.00 per team. We recommend that you register close to the time registration opens. This will give you time to do the paperwork including certifying that your vehicle’s/driver’s insurance meets the appropriate state’s standards, that the driver has a valid license, that your rally vehicle is being used with the permission of the owner, is in safe operating condition, is on the road legally, and that all its operational items such as lights, turn signals, brakes, horn, tires, mirrors, seat belts, windshield wipers and windshield washer are in proper working order. It will also give you time to read the rally’s general rules and to talk to other rally participants. This last is especially important if you’ve never run a rally before.

Don’t Have a Driver or Navigator?

If you don’t have a partner to drive or navigate for you just come by yourself. At almost every rally there are folks who come alone then team up with someone else to run the event. If you are lucky you’ll have a chance to team up with someone who has some rally experience. Sometimes that increases your chances of winning a trophy. If you’re only slightly less lucky you’ll get to run with someone who has no rally experience and have twice the fun as you discover what rallying is all about. At the very worst (which almost never happens) there will be no one to partner with and you will get the chance to work some of the checkpoints and see how everyone is doing as the event progresses.

7 responses to “July Friday Nighter Rally”

  1. So does do the rally events require a reasonably fast car? I only ask because I have a 63 Falcon Futura that is SLOW! I still think it would be fun to take on a rally (I have no interest in winning). I just want to cruise in the Falcon.

  2. If Jerry White can place very well in rallies in an old minivan, then any car can do. All you need is a road-legal car, as rallies take place at speeds under the legal limit.

    You should bring out your Falcon! That would be one terrifically cool rally car.

  3. nathan, you don’t have to have a fast car, the point is precision timing and staying on-course. and, you have to bring the falcon! one of my first cars was a vert ’63, albeit with a 302 under the hood: we called it a sleeper 😉 i’d love to see it!

  4. btw, i was unclear about the termination point of bob’s rally; it’s probably at the philo tavern in philo, haven’t heard definitely from bob yet, but we’ll get to wherever he wants us to go, watch here for more info!

  5. I will try to bring the Falcon out this Friday. It is still a work in progress. I have the mechanical stuff ironed out for the most part. It still needs a little bit of body work.

  6. Well I took the Falcon out for a shakedown run. I am having a couple issues. I am going to try my hardest to get them fixed tomorrow before the rally. I hope I will be able to make it.

  7. Looks like I have a few bad valve seals. I doubt I’ll bring the Falcon out tonight. I will bring it to a rally at some point though!