Registration is now OPEN for the 2014 autocross school! Please read the following information before registering.
In order to get the most out of our autocross school, it is important to place yourself correctly based on experience. Therefore, we established 3 qualifiers for the Advanced Autocross school:
1. Have you attended more than 20 Autocross events? (preferably in the last 2 years)
2. Have you attended at least two national style Autocross events? (like divisional tour, national tour, match tour or the national championship)
3. Have you attended the CCSCC Beginners Autocross school course, or another well known driving school, like Evolution or Barber?
If you can answer yes to any ONE of these questions, you may register for the Advanced school. If none of these apply to you, or you feel you could use a refresher of the basics, we would ask you kindly to register for the Beginner class. Don’t worry, you’ll get plenty of driving time and great instruction either way.
CCSCC reserves the right to reclass individuals if we determine they may not represent a good fit for their chosen class.
Visit AXWare ORM to register: Click Here